Police Blotter
Northern Station Newsletter
Captain Greg McEachern
February 14 , 2013 #13-4
Captain’s Comments:
The month of January saw a decrease of robberies of almost 25% compared to the same period last year. Overall, all violent crime is down 11% year to date. However, we saw an uptick in street robberies near the end of the month that will cause a bounce in the numbers as we move through February. Still, I am pleased that the overall percentage of violent crimes is down. The current crime numbers are as follows:
Part 1 (Violent Crimes) -11% Year to date
Part II (Property Crimes) +32% Year to date
Property Crimes include burglaries, auto theft, and thefts from automobiles. As you can see by the percentage, Part II property crimes have increased, and in my estimation, a significant percentage. To address the spike in property crimes, Northern Station will be conducting pro-active enforcement operations targeting burglaries, auto thefts, and thefts from automobiles. Over the next month and beyond, the officers of Northern Station will be patrolling high target areas looking for suspicious individuals engaged in property theft crimes. I’m hopeful that these targeted enforcement operations will result in significant arrests of offenders and a decrease in the number of thefts overall. I will update you on the progress of our efforts in future newsletters.
To assist the Northern Station Officers in our efforts to reduce these property crime thefts and arrest the offenders committing these crimes I’m asking for your help. Listed below are four tips to help reduce the likelihood your vehicle will be broken into. You will also see information listing typical behavior of a car theft criminal. Down below the tips are various public service announcements made in the past couple of years that provide further information on crime related issues. Public Service Announcement (PSA2) specifically addresses thefts from automobiles and I encourage you to view the announcement for more information.
- Please don’t leave valuable items in your vehicles making you and your vehicle an easy target.
- Covering items in your vehicle with a blanket or other item does not often deter a theft. Professional thieves knowthat it is common to hide valuables under blankets and are not fooled that valuable items are not immediately visible.
- If you do leave items in your vehicle do not leave keys to your residence which will allow for your home to be targeted for theft.
- It goes without saying but locking your vehicle doors is paramount to avoiding becoming a victim. It won’t always deter a thief but it will decrease your chances of becoming a victim. Often times, a thief will lift car doors until he/she finds the one unlocked door that becomes the easy target.
- Most thieves will walk close to the curb line, next to vehicles, so that they can peer into windows or try door handles. Most thieves will walk slowly so that they don’t miss items in vehicles. When a thief locates a vehicle he/she wants to break into he will look up and down the street for witnesses and the police prior to breaking into a car. Often, the thief will walk away from the vehicle then return multiple times before the break-in. If you see an individual acting in this manner, please notify the police. The person may not be a thief but officers can at least investigate the individual to determine whether or not he/she is in fact up to criminal activity.
Northern Station will be hosting the Police Commission weekly meeting on Wednesday February 27, 2013. The meeting will be held at St. Vincent De Paul Grammar school located at 2350 Green Street. The meeting starts at 6:00pm. I encourage Northern District residents to attend the meeting. It is your opportunity to comment or ask questions on crime related issues that you believe affect the Northern District. It will also afford you the opportunity to speak to me personally on concerns you may have. I look forward to seeing many of you at the meeting.
Thank You.
**The officers of Northern Station work hard each and every day to keep the streets safe for everyone. They are making some excellent arrests. Here is a small snapshot of what they are doing. I encourage you to log on to the SFPD website and under ‘compstat’ you will find a link to ‘crime maps’ that will provide very timely crime information and a greater accounting.
Robbery, Street or Public Place W/ Force, Parole Violation, Possession of Stolen Property, Elder Abuse Arrest, 1/31/13 1:20 Pm Fillmore/Grove
Officers on patrol were flagged down by a Muni bus driver who told them that a passenger had just been robbed. The officers spoke with the elderly female victim who told them that a man in his late forties was seated near where she was standing. The male proceeded to physically push her into the seat, and told her to sit down. When she refused he continuously pushed her and used his body weight to get her down and keep her in the seat. The suspect went through her purse and took her wallet. She was able to get free. The victim demanded her wallet be returned. She told the bus driver about the incident; who informed police. As the call was being made the suspect exited the bus and got onto another bus which happened to be behind them. Officers got the suspect description and they were able to track down the bus. They detained a male that matched the description provided. The victim was brought to the area for a cold show. She was positive that the male detained was the male that pushed her down and took her wallet. The officers that originally detained the male saw a wallet fall from the subject’s lap when he got up. The officers recovered the wallet. The wallet was also identified by the victim as her property. A computer check on the subject revealed that he was currently on parole for possession of stolen property. He was charged with that crime again plus, the above additional charges. The subject was booked on the charges at Northern Station. The victim was not injured in this incident.
Vehicle Burglary, Possession of Stolen Property Arrest, 2/01/13 2:55 Am Myrtle/Polk
Officers responded to a call for service from a reportee who reported an auto burglary in progress. Officers were enroute when the caller updated them, adding the suspects had removed several rolling suitcases and were fleeing the area. The caller gave a good description of the suspects, the burglarized vehicle and direction of travel. They were able to detain a male who fit the description and he had a rolling suitcase in hand. The officers discovered the victim’s vehicle and the caller told dispatch that they had detained the correct individual. Officers ran the license plate on the victim vehicle and attempted to locate the victim. They were not able to contact the owner at that time. Officers met with the 911 caller (witness). The witness told the officers that he was in his apartment which is above the alley where the burglary took place. The witness said that he heard glass break, and a car alarm go off. He looked out the window to see several subjects removing items from the victim vehicle. The witness agreed to a cold show. The witness was positive the person detained was the same who stole luggage from the trunk of the vehicle. Officers transported the subject to Northern Station. They checked the suitcase and found items that associated the luggage with the victim vehicle (mail with the vehicle owner’s name). Officers took the luggage to Northern Station where it was booked property for safe keeping. At the station, the officers performed a booking counter search on the subject. This revealed several cell phones which officers believed were stolen. The subject had an Iphone which he could not unlock or use. The phones were also booked property for safekeeping. Officers were able to get in contact with one owner of a cell phone. The second victim told the officers that his car had broken into the previous day and several things were stolen from his car including the phone. Assisting officers took numerous photos of the scene. The subject and evidence was booked at Northern Station.
Possession of Stolen Property, Conspiracy Arrest, 2/02/13 12:48 Pm 1600 Block of Van Ness Ave.
Officers were flagged down by store employees, who told them that there were two individuals inside the store attempting to pawn what they believed was stolen property. Employees were talking with the subjects. The subjects were not able to tell the employees, the make of the guitars or the approximate value for them. One subject said he would take $1000 for the guitars, which was a very low bid for the high value items. The subjects told store employees they had obtained the guitars from a storage unit. The store employee had received an email from an individual who had two guitars stolen from his vehicle earlier in the week. The email mentioned the make, model, value, serial number and color of the guitars. The employee checked and the information matched. These were the same guitars that had been stolen from a vehicle along 19th Ave. Officers arrived and detained the two male subjects. Based on the information from the email the officers detained the males pending investigation of possession of stolen property. The officers transported the subjects to Northern Station. The officer seized the guitars and copy of the email as well. The officers searched the guitar cases and discovered an airline boarding pass with the victim’s name on it. The officers were able to get in touch with the victim who responded to Northern Station and positively identified the guitars as his property. The officers released the stolen property back to the victim after taking photos of the involved items. The subjects were booked into custody.
Street Robbery, Conspiracy Arrest, 2/03/13 5:31 Pm 1100 Block of Polk St.
Officers responded to the above area regarding a fight between two females that have been drinking. Upon the officer’s arrival, there was a large crowd gathered on the sidewalk. Several people were pointing to two females. Officer detained the subjects and discovered that they were involved in some type of altercation that spilled out of a nearby bar. One woman told the officers that she was coming out of the bar when she was randomly attacked by another female. She defended herself. The fight when on for a few minutes with both women rolling around on the ground fighting. The “victim” (prior to the altercation), put her purse in the backseat, when the fight was occurring a male subject approached the car and grabbed her purse. The subject fled south on Polk St. Officers believed the female and male subjects were working together. She was booked at County Jail. The purse was not recovered.
Weapon, Carrying Concealed with Felony or Narcotics Conviction, Methamphetamine, Probation Violation Arrest, 2/04/13 2:15 Pm Herman/Laguna
Plain clothes officer from the Northern Station street crimes unit were on patrol in the above area. They saw numerous individuals standing around and peering into a vehicle. The officers know from their extensive experience and training that auto burglars often “case” vehicles prior to breaking into them. This area is also known by them to be a hotbed of auto burglary activity. The officers stopped to speak the group. The officers asked the subjects if any of them had any weapons, for officer safety reasons. One subject said that he had a knife and was on probation. Officers searched the male discovering a large fixed blade knife in a sheath attached to his belt. Officers continued their search and discovered a large “butterfly” knife with metal knuckles attached (illegal weapon). Officers arrested the male and confiscated the weapons. Continuing the search, they also found a large baggy of suspected methamphetamine in his pocket. A field test on the drugs was positive for meth. The male was transported to and later booked at Northern Station.
Burglary, Apartment House, Attempt, Forcible Entry, Resisting Delaying, Obstructing an Officer in their Duties Arrest, 2/05/13 3:41 Pm Pine/Laguna
Officers responded to an apartment building in the above area. The caller stated that there was a trespasser in the building. The caller was not aware where the male subject went, but they provided a good clothing description of him to the officers. The caller told officers that he heard a voice out in the hallway outside of his apartment. The subject was yelling “hello, hello”. The caller opened his door. The subject asked the caller if he could “help with my friend”. The caller did not see anyone with the subject, and asked the male to leave the apartment building. The caller knew the subject did not live there and he was acting suspiciously. The caller closed his door. A few minutes later the caller heard a loud banging sound in the hallway. He looked out and saw the same male banging on his neighbors door asking if he could stay in the apartment. The caller told him to leave or he was calling 911. The subject walked downstairs. The officers began a search of the building. The officers went to the roof and discovered the roof door’s window to the neighboring building had been broken out, and it appeared someone had made entry to the neighboring building. Additional officers arrived to search that building. The neighboring building was clear. Officers came back to the original building and the caller told them that the deadbolt on the apartment #6 was now broken and there was blood on the doorframe. Officers searched that apartment again with negative results. Officers heard on the radio a call of a mentally disturbed person “lunging at people”, which was very close to the building they were in. The description of the disturbed male matched the description given of the trespasser. Assisting officers attempted to detain the subject. He began running from the officers, but was eventually taken into custody after a short struggle. At the time of the subject being detained he had a cut to his hand which occurred prior to the chase. The original caller went to view the subject. It was the same person according to the caller. Officers believed the male tried to break into apartments in the original building. The bleeding hand, the blood on the apartment door, the damage to the apartment deadbolt, and the trespassing gave the officers enough probable cause to arrest the male for the above charges. He was transported to Northern Station where he was booked into custody. The subject was medically evaluated by SFFD medics. No officers were injured in this incident.
Stolen Vehicle Arrest, 2/08/13 10:07 Pm McAllister/Fillmore
Officers on uniformed patrol saw a vehicle parked in front of a fire hydrant with a female sitting in the driver’s seat. Officers ran a computer check on the license plate. The computer returned that the vehicle was currently reported stolen out of Antioch CA. Unfortunately there was a short time delay between the computer return and the officers continuing their patrol. The officers turned around to return to the vehicle and it was gone. The officer broadcast the info to assisting officers and continued to look for the car. After several minutes, they returned to the area where they originally saw the car. It was again parked in the same spot, with the same female driver. Officers took the driver into custody without incident. Inside the car they discovered numerous clothing items which had been stolen from various stores, with security tags still attached. The owner came to Northern Station and recovered the vehicle. The driver was booked at County Jail.
Possession of Stolen Property, Firearm Discharging in a Grossly Negligent Manner, 2/08/13 4:24 Am Oak/Gough
Officers responded to the above area regarding shots being fired. The caller said that he looked out his window and saw a subject holding a black pistol and shooting it into the air. The caller watched as the male emptied the revolver and walked back into his apartment. He then directed the police to the proper apartment. Officers arrived at the apartment, and knocked on the door. The officers heard motion inside the apartment, and eventually the subject answered the door. He was detained without incident. The subject was read his rights, and he agreed to talk to the officers. The subject told officers that he found the gun in an alley several weeks ago. Officers ran a computer check on the firearm. It returned to an owner in Oakland. The officers had Oakland Police go to the residence and find out if the gun was stolen and not yet reported. They were unable to find the owner at that time. Officers asked the male if he knew where the gun came from and if it may have been stolen. He responded “yea, maybe I found it in a bag on the street”. The male was transported to Northern Station where he was booked.
Theft, Pickpocket $200-$950 2/9/13 10:45 Pm Fillmore/Pixley
Officers on patrol were flagged down by a manager of a local bar. He told them that there was a person in the bar attempting to steal items out of women’s purses. The manger requested police assistance in removing the male. He directed the officers to the male who was standing at the bar with his jacket over his right arm. The officers know from experience that thieves do this in an attempt to conceal their hand and make it easier to steal items. The officers also spoke to two females. One female told the officers that she watched the subject remove the other female’s cell phone from her purse and accidentally drop it onto the floor. The female recovered her phone and told the manger about the incident. The manager notified police. The officers ran a computer check on the male which revealed a probation record for burglary with a search condition. Officers handcuffed the male and later transported him to Northern Police Station. Another bar employee told the officer that the same subject was trying the same things the evening prior, and was asked to leave. The officer informed the male the reason he was being arrest, to which he spontaneously stated “my jacket just got caught on her purse”. The officer informed the subject on his Miranda rights and asked if he wished to make a written statement. The subject did not. He was booked at Northern Station.
Evading a Police Officer Recklessly, Driving on Suspended or Revoked License, Parole Violation Arrest, 2/11/13 2:58 Pm Golden Gate/Gough
Officers were driving on a city street (posted 25 mph zone) in an area known for shootings, robberies and other felonious crimes. They saw a vehicle coming at them at a high rate of speed (est. 50 mph). As the vehicle past, the officers got a good look at the driver, and attempted to turn around to pull the vehicle over. The officers lost sight of the vehicle, but continued to look in the immediate area. The officer found the car, still moving, with a registration that expired in 2011. They turned on their lights and siren and attempted to pull the car over. Instead, the car sped up and went into oncoming traffic, running a solid red light at approx 60 mph. The officers followed at a distance when the car suddenly pulled over. The driver was taken into custody and booked on the above charges without further incident. The officers located a black ski mask inside the vehicle.
The Line-Up is a crime prevention tool that allows the public to get involved through social media. The goal is to get the public involved in solving cold case files by watching and identifying video surveillance of suspects committing crimes. Contact information will be listed on the site and the public can be anonymous if they choose. The San Francisco Police Department will be releasing one video per week of suspect(s) involved in a criminal act. Remember, you have the power to make a difference in our community. Be a crime fighter and help us in identifying these criminals. The weekly videos can be accessed at the sf-police.org website and by clicking on the “line-up” icon at the bottom of the first page.
San Francisco Police Foundation
The SFPD is involved in many types of community events, and actively participates in a variety of philanthropies. Groups are always asking the department for donations of money or to provide some level of involvement in their activities. We recently started the San Francisco Police Foundation to help with the funding of many of these requests. If you would like to donate to the Department’s philanthropic endeavors please make checks payable to the SF Police Foundation: Checks can be mailed directly to the following address: San Francisco Police Foundation, C/O Markun, Zusman, & Compton LLP. 465 California Street, SF, CA, 94104. With your help, the Foundation can, and will, make a difference for our City and in the lives of everyone touched by its police officers.
Note: The Northern Station Police Community Relations Forum is held the second Thursday of each month. We meet again Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 6:00pm and will have an open forum.
Saturday (on-going): 9:00a.m.-1:00p.m. there is a farmer’s market on O’Farrell Street between Fillmore and Steiner Streets.
Last Tuesday of each month (on-going): Second Chance Legal Clinic. 6pm, 1290 Fillmore Street. Questions, call 415-814-7610. Bring a recent RAP sheet.
ALERT (Auxiliary Law Enforcement Response Team): The SFPD version of NERT. For more information call 415-832-8419, or email: sfpdalert@sfgov.org.
NERT (Neighborhood Emergency Response Training) Training:
To find out the most current class dates and locations or to enroll call 970-2024 or go to: www.sf-fire.org
Note: If you would like your Community Meeting agenda listed in our Newsletter, please send the information to my email address. If you want it posted for the same week you must email me by Wednesday for the Thursday newsletter. Additionally you can email any questions, comments, and crime concerns that are occurring in your community. If you would like to reserve the Community Room at Northern Station please contact Linda at 415-614-3402.
Domestic Violence Information
The San Francisco Police Department’s Special Victims Unit (SVU) is a centralized police investigative unit located at the Hall of Justice- 850 Bryant Street, Room # 500. A staff of inspectors at the SVU reviews 350 to 400 incident reports of domestic violence each month.
The SVU investigates all felony arrest cases involving abuse committed against any person, who is a spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, in a current or former dating relationship, in a current or former engagement, or have a child in common. This includes boyfriend/girlfriend and same sex relationships. The SVU also investigates elder abuse cases (neglect and physical) and stalking cases.
All non-arrest reports are also reviewed by the SVU. The SVU Inspectors telephone every victim in an attempt to advise her/him about follow-up procedures and referrals. A message is left if voice mail is available. It is important to note that attempts are made to contact all victims in every domestic violence, elder abuse and/or stalking case. Likewise, no SFPD domestic violence report is “just filed”. All reports are reviewed; computer checks on alleged suspects for parole/probation violations are completed; victim notifications are conducted and the results of all of the work are logged. The SVU works closely with Victim Services, Adult Protective Services, and Safe Start l. If you are a victim or know someone who is a victim of domestic violence, please contact the SFPD’s Special Victims Unit at 415.553.9227. In an emergency, dial 911. Please be safe and remember that reporting domestic violence doesn’t just assist the victim but the victim’s family as well.
SFPD Recruitment Information
www.sfpdcareers.com and www.sfgov.org/police.
SF Police Activities League Is an organization that runs programs for youth to include: the Junior Giants, Seahawks football and cheer, police cadet training, basketball teams, boxing training, soccer teams, etc. Chances are that if you grew up in San Francisco at some point you played a sport for a PAL team. Right now they are going through serious funding issues and are actively seeking donations. Visit their WEB site today to find out more and donate if you can at www.sfpal.org