Meatballs on Nob Hill street are balls of Clay say SFPD
San Francisco police say meatballs that were reportedly seen in Nob Hill this morning turned out to be nothing more than balls of clay rather than the poisoned meatballs found in other city streets in the past week. Possibly someone playing a sick joke, well guess what, no ones laughing, this is a serious issue. Not only are mans best friend in danger but children could easily pick up a poisoned meatball.
The San Francisco Police Dept are testing the Clay balls for the presence of any poison but it may be sometime before test results are returned. Pet owners are advised to keep their pets on a leash until further notice. Similarly keep your kids at arms length.
Those of you living or working in the area of Polk, Larkin & Clay streets, keep an eye open for anyone dropping items on the street or sidewalk.
If you see any suspicious items on the street, call the SFPD.