Where to watch the World Cup on Polk!
It’s almost FIFA World Cup time, this year being hosted in Brazil where 32 teams will fight to become world champions in soccer’s most prestigious finals. With that being said I wanted to point out the best venues on Polk street who will definitely be showing ALL the games live. Most games are been aired at a reasonable hour and are being shown on ABC, ESPN and ESPN2.
I’m going to pick one venue from lower, middle & upper Polk street. But rest assured since I am a soccer nut & I hail from across the pond, so basically brought up on this sport, I am limiting my self to venues where the crowd should enhance your morning or mid-day football experience.
You can get a full schedule for the World Cup Here!
Lower Polk Street. – McTeague’s Saloon, 1237 Polk street, (415) 776-1237. This is the only Soccer bar on Polk street, during the last world cup it was hard to get a seat during the trivial games, never mind the USA games. The fans that come here to watch football(soccer) are very passionate about their sport & their teams. This actually adds to the experience so I highly recommend you see a few games here. Drink prices here are very reasonable & most games will occur during Happy Hour.
Middle Polk Street. – Cabin, 1750 Polk Street, (415) 549-7111. Now while this venue is only 3 months young, it took over the Bigfoot Lodge, but wow did they. They boast 12 screens and the reason I am choosing this joint is because I watched our Warriors play here as well as the Sharks. They have started to get a pretty decent regular crowd, which is remarkable for the little time they have been open. I have already asked & yes they are opening for all the games. Game times also coincide with their Happy Hour.
Upper Polk Street. – Greens Sports Bar, 2239 Polk St, San Francisco, (415) 775-4287. Plenty of Flat screens & a big range of beers draw sports fans to this no-frills, no-food watering hole. While this venue mainly deals with football fans, college & professional, it’s already to go for the world cup. It is one of the main sports bars in the city & we are lucky to have them here on Polk.
Now yes there are other bars on Polk that will show many of the games, but most will not be open for all the games. However if you have any suggestions I will add them to the list.