PlayLand Bar on Polk Street closed for 30 days, employee caught selling drugs.
A well known bar in lower Polk street has had it’s license suspended for 30 after one of its employees for caught selling coke to an undercover ABC agent & it was not the legal carbonated drink you can get at any bar. “He allegedly sold cocaine and marijuana to undercover agents, but it looks like the charge on here was for marijuana,” according to John Carr an ABC spokesman.
According to their Facebook page ” Playland will be closed till March 3rd for remodel. Thank you fans of Playland for your patience see you soon!!!” that’s a quote.
But the reality can clearly be seen if one reads the notice placed on the building from the ABC (Alcohol & Beverage Control).
General Manger Reuben Wartens reportedly has said that the renovations were planned and the timing is merely a coincidence. When asked about the ABC allegations Reuben said they had no idea Gabriel Rizzo was dealing until the day of the raid. Gabriel has since disappeared and repeated attempts to contact him have gone unanswered. Gabriel a 30-year-old resident of San Francisco, worked as a Bar back at Playland.
The staff and bar have not been charged in relation to any drug offenses.
Playland is a popular venue in the lower Polk street area and is particularly busy on the weekends.